What is a P-turn? New traffic rules on Hoddle Street start today
P-turns kick in this morning on Hoddle Street, requiring anyone turning right from Hoddle onto Johnston to go through the intersection, perform a U-turn at the next set of lights and then turn left.
So how does that work?
Chris Miller from VicRoads told Justin and Kate the new rules are working very effectively this morning.
“I’ve never seen Hoddle Street flowing quite so nicely,” Chris said.
“We used to have people queued up in that right lane trying to turn right on Johnston and invariably they’d end up blocking the right hand running lane as well, reducing Hoddle St by one lane.”
Click PLAY below to hear the full details
There are also new parking restrictions and clearways on Hoddle from the Eastern Freeway right down to the Yarra which Chris says will help keep traffic flowing.
Click PLAY below to see a how-to on the new rules