Why Ross and John are in Malaysia – NOT India

Ross and John are this week broadcasting LIVE from Malaysia!
That’s right – MALAYSIA.
Or, more specifically, not India.
Ross and John have been banned from India amid a diplomatic spat.
Melbourne’s top-rating radio program was due to broadcast from New Delhi and Agra this week.
But the Indian government vetoed the trip at the last minute. Literally.
Our audio technician was actually in the air en route to India as a terse letter from India landed in our inboxes.
In the letter, the Indian government said the Indian consulate in Australia was wrong to grant us visas to broadcast live.
‘It is surprising that the mission has issued the ‘sanction’, despite our clear advice that the mission is not competent to issue such a sanction for a documentary, which is to be broadcast live,’ the letter from India’s Ministry of External Affairs read.
And it’s first time Ross and John have been called documentary makers.
Anyway, our audio technician got the news when he checked his emails in New Delhi.
He reckons the temples were pretty interesting, but the traffic was very bad.
We’re very happy to stay in Malaysia.
Click PLAY below to hear Ross and John explain more on 3AW Breakfast