Why teachers at a Melbourne school are regularly being forced to leave class

Teachers at Princes Hill Secondary College say they’re regularly forced to leave class to move their cars, or risk repeated fines, because they have no choice but to park in short-term spaces.
The school has more than 100 staff, but has no designated staff parking area.
The problem has become severe a month ago, when the council changed most local parking to two-hour zones.
Teachers have told the Herald Sun they desperately need all-day parking permits in surrounding streets.
More than 60 teachers signed a petition presented at a council meeting on Tuesday.
McKinnon Secondary College Principal, Pitsa Binnion, says parking at her school her is a problem too.
“We haven’t got enough parking spots on the school property either, and we’re on the local streets most of the day,” she told Ross and Russel.
Ms Binnion says catching public transport is tricky for teachers.
“You’ve got lots of marking. People just don’t understand that you’re actually carting around bags of kids’ work,” she said.
“I could never do it.”
Press PLAY below to hear Pitsa Binnion explain the parking situation at her school