WORD ON THE STREET: Car with baby inside stolen outside school

The hunt continues for a male offender after a Mercedes with a six-month-old baby in the back seat was stolen during school pick-up at Coburg on Tuesday.
Michael rang 3AW Drive to tell Tom Elliott about the terrifying incident, which happened about 3pm.
‘Somebody came and took the car and baby,’ he explained.
Police have since confirmed a Mercedes station wagon was taken at the intersection of Ohea and Ross Street.
In dramatic scenes, a mother was standing next to her car with her six-month-old boy sitting in the back-seat when a male offender brazenly jumped into the front seat and drove off.
Another woman then threw herself on the bonnet of the car in an attempt to stop him.
The car travelled about 400 metres before she fell off.
The car was then located dumped, with the baby safe and well inside, near Haig Avenue a short time later.
Anyone with any other information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to submit a confidential report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au
Click PLAY below to hear Michael’s call to 3AW Drive