Daniel Andrews faces fierce grilling over hotel quarantine

The Premier has faced intense questioning over Victoria’s botched hotel quarantine during Thursday’s daily COVID-19 press conference.
It came after retired judge Jennifer Coate, who is heading up the inquiry, said there was no legal reason why those involved couldn’t answer questions about it.
The Victorian Government has been accused of using the inquiry to dodge questioning about the hotel quarantine program, which is understood to have helped fuel Victoria’s shocking spike coronavirus numbers.
“It’s not a question of being legally prohibited, nobody has ever asserted that,” a defiant Daniel Andrews told reporters.
“I am accountable because of the job I have.
“I am accountable for any mistakes and all mistakes that are made.
“I have never shirked that responsibility, I have never moved so much as an inch away from that responsibility.
“That is the role I have.
“I will own those errors, I will be accountable for those errors.
“Please don’t be in any doubt about that.
“No Victorian should be.
“Why was the inquiry set up? Because I don’t have those answers.”
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