Donor organ recipient Kate is out of surgery and recovering in hospital

Late yesterday on the Neil Mitchell program, something lovely happened.
Lisa called in to share the news her daughter Kate Hansen just got the call to say after a seven year wait, she was to get a lifesaving organ transplant.
Her story will be seen tonight on SBS called “Dying to Live”.
Kate’s surgery finished about 2.30am this morning and is recovering.
“She is doing fantastically,” Lisa said,
“Everything is working as normal, she’s in a lot of pain, but the surgeons are just so happy, it went so well and didn’t take as long as expected.”
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“There’s a long way to go,” Neil said.
“But god willing, when she’s ready we’ll have Kate in the studio to celebrate the importance of organ donation.
“Have the discussion with your family, I couldn’t urge more strongly.”
State Medical Director of Donate Life Dr Rohit D’Costa told Neil the rate of consent has risen due to widespread efforts across the sector.
“We know the consent rate when families are asked is 68 per cent,” Dr D’Costa said.
“So that’s gone up a long way in the last few years.”
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