State government under fire after pledging more money to GMHBA Stadium

The Victorian government has been slammed for committing more money towards GMHBA Stadium, while also cutting funding for cancer research.
$4.1m has been pledged for the taxpayer-funded stadium to replace a scoreboard, in the same budget which saw 75 per cent of vital cancer education and research funding cut at the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC).
Ross wasn’t happy, accusing the Allan government of prioritising marginal seats over important cancer programs.
Click PLAY to hear more of Ross’ comments on 3AW
“Trying to get electoral advantage is more important than curing people with cancer,” Ross Stevenson questioned on 3AW Breakfast.
“It just beggers belief.”
State government under fire after pledging more money to GMHBA Stadium
Image: Darrian Traynor/Getty